Age Group Programs

Run Jump Throw Wheel and club based Track Rascals programs form the FUNdamentals stage of development. Participating in these fun games and skill developing activities helps to build physical literacy, and inclusive delivery environments offer a start line to life-long participation!

The Junior Development (JD) program gives young children the opportunity to develop physical literacy, learn Track & Field specific skills, develop speed and fitness and compete in the context of the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages of LTAD.

Inclusive of the LTAD stages of Training to Train, Learning to Compete, Training to Compete and Learning to Win, this program introduces athletes to the performance pathway of Athletics.

The Masters program provides training and competitive opportunities for athletes who are moving or have moved from mainstream high performance competition to the LTAD stage of Active for Life.

BC Athletics in partnership with BC Wheelchair Sports, BC Blind Sports, Sportability BC (CP) Sports, and Amputee Sport BC provides program opportunities for athletes with a physical impairment. There are opportunities to participate in Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Running.

BC Athletics in partnership with Special Olympics BC provides program opportunities for athletes with intellectual disabilities. These athletes are able to compete in regional, national and international Special Olympic events under the IPC.
Also see:
- Athletics Long Term Athlete Development:
- The Long Term Athlete Development Model:
- Athletics Canada LTAD Power Point Presentation - Implementation Strategy (.ppt, 1.95 MB)
- Athletics Canada/Branch Recommended Guidelines for Events and Technical Standards