BC Athletics Announces Return to Regional and Provincial Competition

BC Athletics has worked closely with Athletics Canada and viaSport to develop our Return to Competition Guidelines, closely examining the many factors required to host safe and successful competitions on the Track, Roads, Parks, and Trails.

As the Province this morning moved into Phase 3 for sport, we are pleased to announce another important step forward in our Return to Competition that, will now allow BC Athletics to sanction both Regional and Provincial Competitions.  In addition, we have also updated our “Return to Training Addendum” to allow for larger training groups sizes.

Below are important documents that must be followed in any BC Athletic Sanctioned Competition. A few important guidelines have also been highlighted.

Return to Competition Documents:

  1. Athletics Canada’s “Back on Track” Guidelines.
  2. BC Athletics “Return to Competition Addendum”. UPDATED AUG 24 - Highlights additional or differing guidelines that have been set specifically for the Province of BC.
  3. BC Athletics “Return to Competition – Officials Guidelines”. Provides guidance to our officials in how they can return to officiating safely. 

Return to Training Documents:

  1. Athletics Canada’s “Back on Track” Guidelines.
  2. BC Athletics “Return to Training Addendum”. UPDATED AUG 24 - Highlights additional or differing guidelines that have been set specifically for the Province of BC.
  3. viaSport - Return to Sport Guidelines


  • It is the responsibility of each athlete, coach, and official to undertake their own personal risk assessment and determine whether they are willing and able to return to sport at this time. It is important to understand that no guidelines can eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 that may result from participating in a public event such as a track and field, cross country, or road race competition.
  • Regional & Provincial Competitions
    1. Open to both Club & Unattached Members
    2. It is recommended that individuals remain primarily within their region when travelling for sport in order to limit the number of groups that they are coming into contact with.
    3. Inter-provincial competitions are not recommended at this time.
    4. If an individual chooses to travel internationally, they are required to self-isolate for 14 days under both provincial and federal orders upon return to Canada
  • To allow for the organization of middle-distance, distance, and race walking races, the events and an athletes competitive schedule must be adapted to accommodate physical distancing requirements and the health and safety of all.
    • Close physical proximity should be minimized as much as possible during the competition.
    • Physical Distancing (Minimum of 2 meters separation) should be maintained when not competing.
    • A maximum of 8 athletes per race on the Track
    • Athletes who compete in an event where physical distancing is not possible are required to refrain from competition for a period of two weeks. For the avoidance of doubt, an athlete may compete on weekend #1, sit out weekend #2 and self monitor (they may continue to train with club/training group during this time), and compete again weekend #3.
  • All competitions must follow current BC Health guidelines. Current guidelines limit group gatherings to a maximum of 50 and continued use of physical distancing and hygiene measures.
    1. Maximum group size counts need to consider everyone that is in the facility / attending the event - staff, coaches, participants, spectators, etc.
    2. There must be sufficient space in the venue to allow for physical distancing between people; this means that in a smaller venue, occupancy limits may be much less than 50.
    3. Events may host multiple competition blocks over the course of a single day or weekend only if:
      • Each competition block adheres to the Maximum of 50 people. See PHO Order.
      • There is no cross over among athletes between competition blocks. For the avoidance of doubt, an athlete may only compete as part of a single competition block. Officials/Volunteers may work multiple competition blocks only as long as physical distancing and hygiene guidelines are adhered to.
      • Time must be scheduled between competition blocks to conduct a thorough cleaning of venue and equipment.
  • All Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers, Spectators/Parents/Guardians are required to register for the event. All registrations must be completed online, no late entries onsite. (No cash transactions). Contact information must be retained for thirty days in case there is a need for contact tracing on the part of the medical health officer, in which case the information must be provided to the medical health officer.
  • Event, Camp and Clinic Directors will be asked to have all participants in clinics, camps, events sanctioned by BC Athletics to complete the athlete attestation and assumption of risk.
  • Competitions must appear on BC Athletics Calendar of Events a minimum of 15 days prior to the first day of competition.
  • All personnel, including athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, etc., must complete a daily symptom screening questionnaire to ensure that each person entering the site does not present COVID-19 symptoms.
  • All competitions will need to adhere to current health guidelines including physical distancing and hygiene measures.

Regional Variances:

  • We understand and appreciate that conditions vary across the province.
  • That in some regions, municipalities, cities, and communities there may be additional conditions (more than the Prov Health Officer/Govt of BC) in place as directed by the Local Health Authorities. Clubs and Event Directors will need to work with their LHAs and facilities as they look to return to hosting of competitions.
  • That the opening of facilities (date) or conditions for use may vary.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and help in the Return to Athletics in British Columbia.



Greg White, Chair, BC Athletics Board of Directors

Brian McCalder, President/CEO, BC Athletics