To comply with PIPA all organizations/clubs dealing with personal information must have a complaints handling system. As each organization has unique and distinct characteristics, each should establish a system that reflects its particular qualities.

The following checklist may help individual clubs in the creation of their complaint handling process.

  1. The individual responsible for receiving complaints is: _________
  2. Complaints will be investigated by: __________________
  3. The complaint will be investigated within _______ days of its receipt.
  4. The determination as to the validity of the complaint will be decided by: ______________________________________________
  5. The decision is to be reported to: ____________________________
  6. If necessary, recommended corrective action will be determined by: _____________________________________________________
  7. The corrective action will be carried out by: __________________

Communicating the Results of the Investigation

  1. The corrective action was communicated to the complainant by:
  2. The corrective action was communicated to the complainant on:
  3. The corrective action is recorded in the following locations:
  4. Corrective action was initiated on: