BC Road Running Series, presented by Timex

BC Road Running Series, presented by Timex

Parra, Rhodes victorious in Kamloops

March 16, 2003, Kamloops — Good conditions this year brought out over 230 competitors to the Spring Run-Off 10k. They enjoyed relatively mild temperatures and sunshine, in sharp contrast to the sub-zero winter storm conditions of 2002, when it was so cold that the large jugs of bottled water were frozen!

kam03_parra Jorge Parra of Surrey increased his overall Timex BC Series lead by adding 30 points to his total at the Spring Run-Off 10k on March 16 in Kamloops, race #4 in the Series. Previously leading by just 1 point over Shane Bilodeau, Parra completed the course in 32:29, over a minute ahead of second finisher Trevor Jordan of Vernon.

Just behind these two were a couple of Kelowna runners, Rory Switzer in the Masters category and 35-39 competitor Brent Goldsmith, who ran neck and neck for 7 km before Switzer moved ahead to gain a 17 second lead at the finish. “It was a great race, and a surprisingly nice course,” commented Switzer, who also noted that the wind was not a factor on this new route, which he liked much better than the old one.

Second place male master was Perry Grunenberg of Kamloops in 36:43, with Vancouver’s John Jackson next, leading a trio of consecutive over-50 finishers, including Cache Creek’s Jack Miller and New Westminster’s Nick Stark.

kam03_rhodes Cindy Rhodes of Kelowna went for the win in 38:09, running just hard enough to maintain a comfortable lead over second place Sarah Clark of Vernon (38:29) and Summerland’s Sam Saunders in third (38:36).

Rhodes, now in the 45-49 category and multiple winner of the Royal Victoria Marathon, continues to dominate the Interior women’s running scene as she has for so many years. With Kamloops being her third race completed in the Timex BC Series, she now sits in third place overall.

Jacquie Perrault of North Vancouver led over the initial part of the route, with Rhodes right behind her at first, then beside her when they were joined by Clark. Rhodes took over the lead with Clark on her heels. “I was hoping for 39 minutes, so I’m happy with a 38:09,” said Rhodes afterwards. She was also pleased with the mild and calm conditions. “My 5k split today was faster than my 5k race last weekend in Coquitlam!”

Second female master was Vancouver’s Ilze Rupners in the 50-54 category, completing the flat course in 41:43. Jane Perry of Williams Lake rounded out the top three masters with a 43:32 clocking.

Full race results can be viewed here, and photos are in the archives.